SIL is the sole contracted agency that provides case management for Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities’ (OOD) Personal Care Assistance (PCA) Program. The PCA Program is an employment-based program that enables Ohioans with disabilities who are competitively employed, job seeking, or in a training program leading to employment to hire and self-direct their own personal care assistants. SIL would like to spotlight our fabulous PCA Program team that currently serves 99 PCA Program participants across the great State of Ohio.
Pam Hays joined our team in October 2022 and serves as PCA Program Support Staff. Pam helps us gather documentation and complete forms needed to ensure the program runs smoothly. She brought an abundance of experience in the disability field including vocational and job coaching experience. Pam works remotely from her home in Toledo.
Shantia (Tia) Aikens joined us as a PCA Program Case Manager/Coordinator in January 2023. Tia has a bachelor's degree in psychology and has a passion for helping people. Tia is thorough in her work and makes sure she provides her consumers with excellent services.
Kathryn (Kathy) Pointer is our newest member of our team; she joined us in April 2023. She, too, is a PCA Program Case Manager/Coordinator. Kathy brings a bachelor's degree in psychology and she has extensive experience in the field of mental health and substance abuse. Kathy is eager to help consumers be as independent as possible.
The team is led by me, Lisa Marn, the PCA Program Contract Supervisor. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling. I have been with SIL for 26 years and directly working with the PCA Program for 13 years. I dedicated my life to improving the quality of life for persons with disabilities.
SIL is proud to have such a beneficial program for Ohioans with disabilities. If you would like more information on the PCA Program, please contact me, Lisa Marn, at or 216-389-0379.