Welcome to the 15th edition of the CX by Design Ideas newsletter, a monthly mailing by your hosts, Lis Hubert and Diana Sonis, with a focus on sharing human-centered ideas for business. Thank you for being here. We appreciate you. P.S. Was this email forwarded to you? You need your own!
East Hartford, CT, Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Happy 2021! Over here at CX by Design, we’re excited to take on the year after a very busy December.
Last month, we not only shared Part II of our Designing for Customer Intentions ideas on UX Booth, but we also published a collaboration piece that we've been working on for months. The piece is near and dear to our hearts, as it points out some short-comings of the UX industry, and provides practical resources to help overcome these short-comings.
Besides writing our tails off, we also joined the group over at AccountsRecovery.net for their Customer Experience Week. We had a blast learning about a new industry, and sharing CX best practices with eager ears.
As we go into 2021, we look forward to speaking at even more virtual events. This January, we'll be presenting our "Leave a Trail of Breadcrumbs: Designing Navigation with Customer Intentions" topic at UX Camp Winter Home Edition.
Then, in the Spring, we'll be expanding the presentation into a multi-day workshop at the IAC 21 Anywhere conference. If you want to learn the details of Designing with Customer Intentions, here's your chance!
Finally, we continue to partner with our clients and colleagues to bring Human-Centered awareness to as many businesses as we can. We're pretty sure we can all use this awareness about now.
We hope you enjoy these resources, and as always please reach out with any questions or ideas.
Stay healthy,
Lis Hubert, Founding Partner