“The politics needed to fix climate change don’t exist today. So, I think what we should do as individuals is use the power of democracy to make our voices heard and to make sure that the people in power actually cannot continue to ignore this.” – Greta Thunberg
Since it's Primary Election season it seems like the perfect time to share these words of wisdom from Greta Thunberg. Our tip of the week is to remind everyone to vote. Let your voice be heard and vote for representatives that will take action to phase out fossil fuels and protect our planet.
The elections in 2022 are particularly important as it will shape Congress and determine whether they will support President Biden’s climate goals. Not to mention the 2025 deadline the IPCC gave to have emissions peak in order keep the temperature increase at only 1.5 degree Celsius…this Congress will help determine whether or not that will happen.
So how do we know which candidate to choose? Vote Climate states that while words are important, silence can be more telling. For example, if there is no mention of climate on their website or in their speeches, it’s not a priority for the candidate. Check out Vote Climate in the fall when they release their Climate Change Voter guides where they score the strength of each candidates’ climate plan. (They don’t weigh in on the primaries.)
League of Conservation Voters’ also has a scorecard that tracks each member of Congress votes on bills and climate-related issues. Climate Hawks has a shortlist of candidates who have distinguished themselves as climate leaders.
Ready to exercise your right to vote? If you haven’t already register to vote here! And make sure you know when the Primary Elections are happening in your state.