I want to share a little bit of our editing process with you, as it leads to quite a hilarious story.
I write in acts, and once I am done with an act, it goes through a developmental and line edit, and then off to the Beta Team in groups of five to ten chapters.
This time around, when the team got to the end of chapter 15, one of the Beta Readers was so concerned about the future of his favourite character that he petitioned me to be merciful, even going so far as to beg.
Carol, my wife, who manages the Reader Teams, quite enjoyed egging him on and feeding his fears.
Well, we both learned a lesson here, as he decided to create a closed fan group, inviting some of the other Beta Readers, and then posting a series of pleas to save the character.
I can't reveal what the outcome was, as it would give away too much, but he did finally say "the storyline was excellent."