Dear Reader ,
With the year 2021 slowly coming to an end, the month of December has been very eventful. The 13th EaP CSF Annual Assembly took place from 30 November to 2 December and was very successful when it came to bringing together CSO representatives and high-level stakeholders from the EU and EaP to discuss future EaP priorities ahead of the 6th
EaP Summit.
At the margins of the 6th EaP Summit that took place on 15 December, the EaP CSF organised an event together with the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the role of the EaP policy for Belarus at the Czech Permanent Representation. Moreover, EaP CSF Steering Committee Co-Chair Irina Sukhy spoke at the CORLEAP annual meeting about the situation in Belarus and Co-Chair Sofia Strive commented on priority reform areas for the EaP on integrity and innovation at the Open Government Partnership Summit on 14 December. Sofia Strive also shared civil society’s expectations for the EaP Summit during an online event hosted by MEP Petras Austrevicius.
In collaboration with New Eastern Europe, experts from EaP CSF took part in an episode of the podcast “Talk Eastern Europe” and shared insights on civil society expectations in relation to the 6th
EaP Summit. This podcast collaboration will be continued, we invite you to stay tuned for more episodes.
Furthermore, the EaP Steering Committee condemns the disproportionately violent response of the authorities to the recent demonstrations in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Lastly, we would like to remind you that the EaP CSF has launched a call for delegates for the cycle 2022-2024.
The EaP CSF wishes you and your loved ones a happy winter holiday and we are looking forward to seeing you back in 2022!
EaP CSF Secretariat