Dear USET/USET SPF Family,
USET SPF continues to work in concert with partner organizations to secure advance appropriations for the Indian Health Service (IHS). Advance appropriations is funding that becomes available 1-year or more after appropriations bill in which it is contained. USET SPF continues to support advance appropriations as an important mechanism to provide short-term certainty in funding to Tribal Nations and urges that it be extended to IHS and all federal Indian programs. As part of these efforts, USET SPF has signed onto letters led by the National Indian Health Board to Congressional leadership and the White House
urging the codification of advance appropriations for the IHS this year.
We strongly encourage USET SPF member Tribal Nations to sign onto the letters here. The deadline for signing onto the letters is Tuesday, November 22, 2022. In addition, we urge you to reach out to Congressional leadership, Appropriators, and your own delegations to urge that Advance Appropriations for IHS be included in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 appropriations. Indian Country has been working nearly a decade to achieve this critical, common sense, and long overdue change in policy. We are committed to seeing to change realized and ask that you join us in these continued efforts.
For additional background on Advance Appropriations, please see recent testimony before the House Natural Resources Committee delivered by USET SPF President Kirk Francis.
For more information, please contact Ashton Martin, USET SPF Health Policy Analyst, at