Things continue to be more or less stable for us as we continue to try and bring you new split parts every day. We are heavily getting much of our stock from individuals selling off parts of their collections and occasional in stock purchases from the distributor but it does still get a little tight at times and we don't keep the sell offer page up as consistently as we might like.
Every so often we go through our box stock to see what we could use splits from and honestly this last pass through had me a little depressed as there wasn't much that we needed, meaning we had a lot of dead stock split parts that wasn't selling well. Really hoping that changes soon and we start seeing enough holes in inventory that it becomes worthwhile to do whole box pulls again in the future, but last time we just didn't have enough holes to make it worth the cost.
we are looking forward to making another large "dented box" purchase order from the distributor which often has a lot of great stuff and an amazing price, but everything regarding the distributor is always a very slow process sadly.
It's your continued strong support of Chibi Chop Shop not only during sales but in between them as well, that helps us continue to keep the doors open. Our bare minimum sales goals really only help pay what must be paid to keep the doors open and anything extra we make goes fully back into the store to make more and more purchases.