As we are embracing many changes, education in times of a pandemic surely defies and challenges our traditional means of teaching and assisting children. Substantially everything that has to change in a matter of days gives nuanced emotions, and the stress associated with this may understandably increase worry and anxiety in our students, families, staff, and communities.
So, with this in mind, we have engaged in a fast moving track with everything that is essential. But coexistent with this is our open mindset also, thus being able to put our creative minds and hard work into innovation, an approach already opted by our school from the start, and which undoubtedly has contributed to a more seamless process for all.
My days are filled with live audio or video interactions with the students covering and delivering mental health education and psychology classes. The intensity of owning our feelings and strengthening our connection has been the fundamental progress seen in these classes. Along with its limitation and challenges, the core principles have persisted and remain the same with a focus point in our windows of tolerance, one that helps us accept change and to adapt and develop coping skills as well as increase our resilience-an imperative goal of our school.
Besides my contentment with the great possibilities of tele-counseling and teaching that the past few weeks have been offering, and among a number of things that I miss, one that strikes mostly is the small talk and jokes in the hallways that we would do to stay refreshed, concentrated and on with our days.