The Covid-19 pandemic has created unprecedented upheaval at all levels of society. Rarely has a situation called for a unified war cry and the need for collective effort, as the one humanity is faced with now. And even in this, the impact of the pandemic is borne most by those who can least afford it. Micro- entrepreneurs who form 95% of all entrepreneurs in India face mass extinction and need dedicated attention to help them through this calamity. Clearly, there is intent amongst all of us to do our bit. And yet, nothing less than a coming together of a large coalition with a shared purpose to support the recovery of small businesses can lead to a mass resurrection. Over the last few weeks, we have spoken to over a hundred partners, gathering substantive data on the reality-ground up. Our partners have helped us identify critical areas to build on as a coalition for small businesses. Liquidity, Supporting the Survival of Mass Entrepreneurs, Enabling New Markets and Evangelising Mass Entrepreneurs are the pillars to build the architecture of small business recovery- a new world emerging from the COVID-19 ashes. GAME, is above everything else, an alliance and it is with that lens- not to lead, not to follow but truly collaborate towards a cause, that is larger than any of us, that we have begun a sprint for small business survival. We have taken the initiative to build around some early thoughts that have emerged from our early conversations and identified specific areas we would love to have you collaborate on. Read More Stay Well, Stay Safe M. Srinivas Rao CEO, GAME (Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship) |