Hello ,
I’m bringing you this month’s update a day early with some important news that can’t wait.
Did you know that starting tomorrow, two email communications giants—Gmail and Yahoo— are rolling out a major update?
That’s right. It's all in the name of creating a safer, less spammy email experience, which is great for the consumer, but not so great for a lil independent author like me. It means my emails may not reach your inbox like they used to.
Fear not! If you’d like to continue receiving my updates, below are five different ways you can show these email services that I’m not some shady character trying to scam you but a trusted author that you want to hear from.
- Hit reply and say Hi – Tell me what you’re reading right now. Or share a funny story. Who says I need to be the only writer in this relationship?
- Click any link in this message. Like this one about Jeff Mallett, a high school classmate of mine who played a pivotal role in transforming Yahoo into a media empire.
- Connect with me on social media via the icons below.
- Whitelist me – though you may have already completed this step if you’ve been receiving my emails regularly.
- And most importantly, interact with future updates – Watch for one next Thursday, when I test-drive the new system and share a peek at my Dragonfly manuscript before and after edits!
And if sometime in the future you notice you haven’t received an email from me in a while, it’s not because I’ve stopped sending them…it’s because of these changes. In that case, feel free to send me a message through my website, and I’ll get you sorted out.
Whichever action you take—even just reading this email—will help us stay connected.