Project News Episode 28: Emerging Learning Technologies with Dr. Greg Kessler In this podcast, Dr. Greg Kessler tells us why information technology matters so much to language educators. He describes some of the ways technology impacts language training today, and he gives us a glimpse of emerging technologies that are moving from campus laboratories and becoming available to TESL educators and learners. Web News Office closure forcing ESL teachers to adapt, evolve Volunteers from around the country are vying to safeguard the high standards that qualify Teachers of English as a Second Language (TESL) after the national organization closed its office last month. TESL oversees the training and certification of ESL teachers, but funding shortfalls have left them with minimal resources to proceed. .... 7 eLearning Trends For 2018 You Should Watch Out For ... Technology and innovation have made eLearning a sustainable alternative to traditional learning. Easy access to tablets and mobiles has paved a path to what's known as the pocket learning. ... With this trend kicking in, there is no surprise that the eLearning industry is all set to become a global phenomenon by the end of this decade. So, here are 7 prominent eLearning trends for 2018 ... Find Canadian student visas confusing? Maybe this robot can help Advisers at the university spend as much as three-quarters of their time tackling visa-related questions ... So she teamed up with two other computer science students at Dalhousie to build RovBOT, an artificial intelligence platform to provide answers to applicants’ most common questions about the immigration process. ... Making Digital Communications Accessible ... Part of improving accessibility means making information easier for anyone (with or without a disability) to understand. This encompasses ideas like using plain language and limiting use of acronyms. In addition, there are ways to make digital communications more accessible. ... 4 Ways You Can Use Technology To Learn A New Language Modern technology can be polarizing. … Decades ago, wanting to speak Mandarin Chinese, Spanish or Portuguese usually entailed reading tons of books and traveling to different continents … Now, with gadgets and apps made available to us, it’s easier, faster and more fun to communicate and learn new things, such as a foreign a language. ... Blogs 6 Ways to Use Tech to Step Up Your ESL Teaching Game Technology is a major part of communication, so it only makes sense to use it in a language class. ... From listening activities to videos to virtual reality, there are so many technologies that can be used to enhance the ESL classroom ... These are six different ways to use the internet to your advantage and give your students a more well-rounded ESL education.... From Around The Web: 6 Interesting Infographics on xAPI What better way to learn about xAPI [the next generation of SCORM] than from an infographic? We’ve compiled this list of infographics that we thought were great and did a good job of explaining xAPI! Enjoy!. ... PowerPoint Doesn’t Suck, You Do … If your presentation sucks, it’s down to your delivery or your slide design skills, or both. ... In this post I’ll talk about some simple key points you can do to improve your slides. … This list does not cover everything, but if you follow these 4 essentials you go a long way to improving your slide deck... Jobs Online English Tutor Winkey is a global community of English language educators and learners. Founded in May 2014 by Masahiko Saito and Julius Senara, Winkey has quickly become one of the popular and prestigious Online English Academies in China. ...
51talk - Online Teacher Hello World American Academy is a premium online education program powered by 51Talk. 51Talk is China's largest online English education platform, and is publicly traded on the NYSE (COE). The company aims to make high quality education accessible and affordable to millions of people in China. ... Professional Development Journal of Interactive Media in Education. Special Collection on Migrants, Education and Technology LearnIT2teach Annotated Bibliography New Resource: Smart cities, learning beacons, mobile technology and fitting in – these are some of the topics in the Journal’s special collection from April 2017. The journal includes four papers from Canada as well as England, Sweden and Australia. And don’t miss the SALSA blog, describing the learning beacon project. ...
Mobile-based chatting for meaning negotiation in foreign language learning LearnIT2teach Annotated Bibliography New Resource: This article reports on a six-week trial using WhatsAPP Messenger, a tool learners were already familiar with, to explore its potential for collaborative language learning for “distance learners on the move”. You can read about their “instant-messaging frenzy” in the data analysis. You’ll also see that students saw the tasks as class-related ones and used the app during the days of the week their class took place, effectively turning it into a tool integrated into the rest of their class.
7 Fun and Engaging Video Projects for the ESL Classroom In most ESL classes, there comes a time when students must prove their oral skills, either through a speaking exam or an oral presentation. Traditionally these are done orally in front of the class, but using video for the oral presentation may help to calm some nerves and allow for a lot of creativity on the student's part. ... Here are seven fun and engaging video projects for ESL learners ...
How to create an interactive ebook: A step-by-step guide Ebooks are the current expanding trend in education and publishing. Add interactivity on top of that, and you’ve got yourself a top-notch product that won’t be going away anytime soon; one that is sure to put you ahead of the game. This comprehensive guide will lead you on the journey to learn how to create an interactive ebook, as well as publish the ebook to different platforms. ... e-Resource Corner Language Guide This resource for literacy and lower level learners will help build English vocabulary and reading skills. The site includes English grammar explanations for higher level learners, as well as language learning resources for nine other languages. ... Learn Prefixes, Suffixes to Expand Your Vocabulary ...Today, we will tell you about prefixes and suffixes – groups of letters that appear at the beginnings and endings of words. Learning the meanings of common prefixes and suffixes can help you understand unknown English words you come across. It can also help you become better at spelling words....